保險與再保險契約締約原則之研究 | 拾書所


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第一章 導論
壹、 楔子-保險與再保險契約之發展
貳、 議題摘要
第二章 保險與再保險契約之告知義務人及其告知範圍-兼論鹿特丹規則對海上保險關於告知義務之影響
壹、 問題思考及議題提出
貳、 保險契約之告知義務人
參、 保險契約之告知義務範圍
肆、 再保險契約之告知義務
伍、 鹿特丹規則對海上保險及其再保險關於告知義務之影響
陸、 結論
第三章 簡易人壽保險關於詢問告知與謹慎核保原則之研究
壹、 前言
貳、 簡易壽險詢問告知與謹慎核保原則之關聯與議題提出
參、 簡易壽險之詢問告知原則
肆、 簡易壽險之謹慎核保原則
伍、 違反詢問告知與謹慎核保原則之效力-以台北地院九十七年度保險字第三二號判決為討論對象
陸、 建議與結論
第四章 替代性風險移轉之法律與監理議題之探討-以財務再保險與巨災債券為討論重心
壹、 前言
貳、 財務再保險之法律與監理議題
參、 巨災債券之法律與監理議題 
肆、 替代性風險移轉之監理法規單一化
伍、 結論
第五章 再保險契約「以引用方式置入」原保險條款之研究
壹、 前言
貳、 再保險與原保險「背對背」之推定
參、 完全再保險條款
肆、 完全再保險條款效力之限制
伍、 再保險對原保險契約的準據法之適用
陸、 結論
第六章 論海上貨物保險之保險利益-以英國法制為中心
Legal Issues Resulting from the Insurable
Interest of Marine Cargo Insurance: A Study on the Basis of English Law
I. Introduction
II. Definitions of Insurable Interest on the Basis of Marine Insurance
A. The Lucena Case
B. MIA 1906
C. Comment
III. The Timing of Insurable Interest in Marine Cargo Insurance
A. The Existence of Interest as a Condition of Effective Insurance
B. Retroactive Interest
C. The Legal Effect of no Interest at the Time of the Loss
IV. Insurable Interest of Marine Cargo Owners
A. Ownership of Goods
B. Freight or Shipping Costs
C. Insurance Charges
D. Anticipated Profits
E. Forwarding Expenses
V. Insurable Interest of Secured Creditors
A. Pledgee
B. Carrier
VI. The Insurable Interest of Third Parties Involved in Sales
A. Agents and Consignees
B. The Third Party Is Entrusted to Sell, Has a Lien, or Is under a Bailment of the Goods
C. The Insurable Interest in the Commission
VII. Conclusions and Suggestions
A. Summary Concerning Insurable Interest of Marine Cargo Insurance
B. Suggestions for Reforms in Taiwan
第七章 結論
壹、 保險與再保險法制之現代化
貳、 研究結果之歸納

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