Before I Go to Sleep別相信任何人 | 拾書所

Before I Go to Sleep別相信任何人

$ 284 元 原價 315




Every day Christine wakes up not knowing where she is. Her memories disappear every time she falls asleep. Her husband, Ben, is a stranger to her, and he's obligated to explain their life together on a daily basis--all the result of a mysterious accident that made Christine an amnesiac. With the encouragement of her doctor, Christine starts a journal to help jog her memory every day. 
One morning, she opens it and sees that she's written three unexpected and terrifying words: "Don't trust Ben." Suddenly everything her husband has told her falls under suspicion. What kind of accident caused her condition? Who can she trust? Why is Ben lying to her? And, for the reader: Can Christine’s story be trusted? 

At the heart of S. J. Watson's Before I Go To Sleep is the petrifying question: How can anyone function when they can't even trust themselves? Suspenseful from start to finish, the strength of Watson's writing allows Before I Go to Sleep to transcend the basic premise and present profound questions about memory and identity. One of the best debut literary thrillers in recent years, Before I Go to Sleep deserves to be one of the major blockbusters of the summer. --Miriam Landis --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition. 


S. J. 華森
  生於英國中部,居於倫敦。於伯明罕大學物理學系畢業後,曾任職於倫敦數所醫院的聽力醫學部門,並擔任英國國民保健服務計畫部門副主任。華森經常利用下班後的時間創作,2009年申請參加英國老牌出版社費伯(Faber & Faber)舉辦的寫作培訓班,獲選為第一屆學員,其間被文學經紀人發掘。處女作《別相信任何人》正是他在寫作班完成的作品,出版後聲勢一鳴驚人,不僅獲得英美各大書店選書推薦,更售出42國版權,成為文壇深受矚目的新銳作家,《週日泰唔士報》直指:「明天醒來,請記得 S. J. 華森這個名字。」驚悚小說天王李查德也大膽預言:「我們可能正目睹一位名家的誕生!」


S. J. Watson was born in the Midlands and lives in London. His first novel was the award-winning Before I Go to Sleep, which has sold over four million copies in more than forty languages around the world. It was recently adapted into a major motion picture starring Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth, and Mark Strong.

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