猴腮雷雅思口說7+(MP3) | 拾書所


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猴腮雷 雅思口說7+ (MP3)

『猴腮雷 雅思口說7+』
揭露雅思口說4大低分真相 並提供解決之道



f 在考官在part2話題卡詢問描述參觀過的博物館、描述搭船經驗、描述動物等等,卻突然不知道該回什麼?=>請參閱所收錄的考官必問話題

f 考後驚覺本可有更佳表現,只要於考試當下能適時舉一反三。 請參閱特別設計的拓展思路+拓展語彙 (EX兒時玩具既可以是PART1考試生日話題,也可以拓展成PART2考試分鐘回答)

f 應答流利,但仍稍嫌不足,只差在表達不夠道地。請參閱所精選的高分語彙,於Part1+3考試與考官應答時,表達合宜又道地。

f 於考試中一時想不到如何回應,而與高分失之交臂? 請參閱所規劃的影集敘述,於考官提問時能充分回憶考點,無論與哪個考官都能侃侃而談。





猴腮雷 雅思口說7+7+ 目次
【主題一】Friends - Birthday Party
【主題二】Lost - A Trip
【主題三】Prison Break - Something You Want to Do
【主題四】Lost - An Unforgettable Experience
【主題五】Where the Heart Is - A Person You Helped
【主題六】Emmerdale - Someone Who Helped You in the Past
【主題七】My Family - Something You Have to Give up
【主題八】Neighbours - Something Did not Go as Planned
【主題九】Gilmore Girls - A Family Member You Lived with
【主題十】Gilmore Girls - A Special Gift
【主題十一】The Big Bang Theory - Halloween Party
【主題十二】Melissa & Joey - Food & Cooking
【主題十三】Gilmore Girls -Your Ideal Job
【主題十四】Baby Daddy - A Toy in Your Childhood
【主題十五】The Big Bang Theory - Wedding Invitation
【主題十六】Gilmore Girls - A Weekend You Spent with Your Family
【主題十七】Home and away - An Occasion You Were Late for
【主題十八】Neighbours - A Child
【主題十九】Neighbours - Animals
【主題二十】Rules of Engagement - A Reunion
【主題二十一】Rules of Engagement - A Business You Want to Run
【主題二十二】Melissa & Joey - A Surprise You Had in Your Life
【主題二十三】Rules of Engagement - A Neighbour
【主題二十四】My family - A Teacher in Your Childhood
【主題二十五】My Family - An Old Thing in Your Family
【主題二十六】Rules of Engagement -
A Person You Know Who speaks a Different Language
【主題二十七】The Big Bang Theory - A TV programme you love
【主題二十八】Friends - A House
【主題二十九】Friends - Shopping
【主題三十】Friends - Eating out
【主題三十一】Baby Daddy - A Childhood Event
【主題三十二】Rules of Engagement - An Unforgettable Course
【主題三十三】Neighbors - Something Did not Go as Planned
【主題三十四】Rules of Engagement - Describe a Charitable Work
【主題三十五】My family - Describe a Challenge You Had in Your Life
【主題三十六】My family - Describe an Event You Attended
【主題三十七】Friends - Describe a Letter
【主題三十八】Friends - Describe a Game Show You Love
【主題三十九】Melissa & Joey - Describe a Friend
【主題四十】Melissa & Joey - A Second Language You Want to Learn (except English)
【主題四十一】Melissa & Joey - Describe a Piece of Good News
【主題四十二】Where the Heart Is - Describe An Important Thing for You
【主題四十三】Rules of Engagement -Describe a Show You Have Watched
【主題四十四】Baby Daddy - Sports
【主題四十五】90210 - Describe an Outdoor Activity
【主題四十六】Rules of Engagement - Describe a Foreign Celebrity
【主題四十七】Melissa & Joey - Describe a Task You Did with Others
【主題四十八】90210 - Describe a Newspaper You Read before
【主題四十九】Baby Daddy - A Person You Want to Become One Day
【主題五十】The Big Bang Theory - Describe an Elderly Family Member

ISBN: 9789869191524

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