Show出職場好英文(2版)(25K+MP3) | 拾書所


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Key Features 本書特色


*Practical Dialogues 使用道地的美式英語
*Useful Expressions提供超好用商務英文常用句說法
*Explanatory Terms 摘錄難易適中的關鍵字
*Review Questions 加強多益測驗應試實力
*Colorful Illustrations 搭配主題式解說圖組
*MP3 Audio Recordings by Native English Speaker 附贈朗讀MP3


Michelle Witte



Chapter 1 Learning About Your Job認識工作

Unit 1 Arriving at a New Job新人報到
Unit 2 Welcoming and Introducing the Newcomer歡迎與介紹新人
Unit 3 Meeting Your New Boss or Supervisor會見老闆或上司
Unit 4 Learning About Your Office認識辦公室環境
Unit 5 Learning About Locations Near Your Office認識公司週遭環境
Unit 6 Learning About Your Company's Organization認識公司組織
Unit 7 Asking/Answering Questions About Your Duties at Work職務詢問與說明

Chapter 2 Communication in the Office公司內部溝通

Unit 8 Greetings and Small Talk in the Office辦公室內的基本問候語
Unit 9 Telephone Etiquette電話禮儀
Unit 10 Taking Messages記錄留言
Unit 11 Taking a Day Off請假
Unit 12 Explaining Reasons for Being Late說明遲到原因
Unit 13 Email Correspondence Within the Company公司內部的電子郵件
Unit 14 Setting up a Meeting會議準備事項
Unit 15 Applying for Stationery申請文具
Unit 16 Making Requests Related to Your Work and Asking for Permission提出公務申請並請求批准

Chapter 3 Using Office Appliances硬體設備的使用

Unit 17 Using a Fax Machine傳真機的使用
Unit 18 Using a Copy Machine影印機的使用
Unit 19 Basic Computer Functions電腦的基本功能
Unit 20 FTP and Networks Inside the Company內部網路與資源共享
Unit 21 Using the Internet網路的使用
Unit 22 Using Instant Messengers for Correspondence通訊軟體的使用
Unit 23 Using a Printer印表機的使用
Unit 24 Using Email電子郵件的使用
Unit 25 Viruses and Troubleshooting電腦中毒與疑難排解

Chapter 4 Discussions, Meetings, and Proposals工作事務

Unit 26 Making Proposals提議
Unit 27 Conducting a Meeting進行會議
Unit 28 Discussing Marketing Strategies討論行銷策略
Unit 29 Proposing a New Project提出新企畫
Unit 30 Presenting a New Product介紹新產品
Unit 31 Discussing Solutions to a Problem討論問題的解決方案
Unit 32 Discussing a Mistake討論工作疏失
Unit 33 Accepting Criticism and Taking Responsibility接受批評與承擔責任
Unit 34 Distribution of Work and Responsibilities責任歸屬與工作分配
Unit 35 Feeling Overworked and Making Complaints工作過量與抱怨
Unit 36 Working Overtime加班

Chapter 5 Outside Correspondences and Contacts對外的聯絡

Unit 37 Contacting by Email電子郵件的往來
Unit 38 Contacting by Fax傳真的往來
Unit 39 Making Appointments with Customers on the Phone以電話與客戶預約會面
Unit 40 A Lunch Meeting with Customers與客戶的餐會
Unit 41 Introducing and Promoting Your Products介紹與推薦產品
Unit 42 Describing and Comparing Products說明與比較產品
Unit 43 Price Negotiations with Customers與客戶議價
Unit 44 Making Purchases and Comparing Prices採購產品與比價
Unit 45 Accepting and Shipping Orders接單與送貨
Unit 46 Making a Deal with a Customer與客戶達成協議
Unit 47 Discussing Contract Terms討論合約條款
Unit 48 Signing an Official Contract簽署正式合約
Unit 49 Dealing with Customer Complaints處理客訴

Chapter 6 Personnel Matters人事相關事宜

Unit 50 Interviewing a Job Applicant面試應徵者
Unit 51 Explaining the Benefits of the Company說明公司福利
Unit 52 Negotiating the Salary交涉薪資
Unit 53 Hiring a New Employee聘用新員工
Unit 54 Tax Issues稅務事宜
Unit 55 Insurance Issues保險事宜
Unit 56 A Promotion升遷
Unit 57 A Change in Personnel人事異動
Unit 58 Resignation辭職

Chapter 7 Socializing and Travel社交與旅遊

Unit 59 A Lunch Gathering Between Colleagues同事間的聚餐
Unit 60 Year-end Bonuses年終獎金
Unit 61 Staff Outings員工旅遊
Unit 62 Arranging a Business Trip安排出差
Unit 63 Booking a Hotel Room訂房
Unit 64 Confirming Flights and Booking Air Tickets確認班機與訂機票
Unit 65 Renting a Car or Taking Public Transportation租車或搭乘大眾運輸工具

ISBN: 9789863187530

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