The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi(Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way)(20K) | 拾書所

The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi(Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way)(20K)

$ 432 元 原價 432

The Science of Destiny Reading Using Bazi:Demystifying BaZi the Logical Way(20K)

















Bazi is the powerful and ancient art of destiny reading used by the Chinese for many centuries. Let Dr. Hwang unveil the mystery of Chinese fortune telling through an analytical and logical approach. Readers who are patient enough to read the book in its entirety will not only be rewarded with the tools and ability to unlock their future, but also fulfil their life’s potential. This book is not only for those who are interested in understanding Chinese metaphysics, but also for anyone who would like to clear up any doubts or misunderstandings about this wonderful art of destiny reading.

Study BaZi, the most popular Chinese art of fortune telling, in an entirely new and easy way! Forget about the myths and superstitions that have surrounded it for centuries. Let Dr. Hwang lead you to unveil the mysterious art of BaZi with a logical and analytical perspective.

Dr. Gwan-Hwan Hwang, Ph.D., is a professor of Engineering at Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan, with dozens of papers published in global engineering conventions and SCI journals. His name is also listed in Marquis Who’s Who. With this background, Dr. Hwang studied BaZi for years with the same scientific discipline as he has done in the academic field of engineering.

With a logical and scientific approach, he was able to decipher the ancient art of destiny readings, dusting off the misconceptions and superstitions that have been misleading practitioners and the general public alike for generations, and restoring BaZi to its original beauty.

Dr. Hwang further strengthened his theory by verifying it with thousands of real-life cases, many of which he has been tracking for years. This book summarizes the best of his findings as well as the most representative cases he has gathered so far. Unlike other books about fortune telling, which almost always resort to divine power or myths that cannot be explained with logic, Dr. Hwang illustrates everything about the art of BaZi in a logical and systematic way, making everything easy to understand. Readers shall be able to quickly grasp the concepts and theory behind BaZi, and apply it in their day-to-day lives.

In this book, Dr. Hwang summarizes the principles of BaZi in a systematic way. Readers will be able to quickly understand the system and logic behind BaZi, and start applying it in their daily lives.

In the modern era, where uncertainty has become the norm, a tool that helps people better understand and guide themselves through different situations is more valuable than ever. The art of BaZi, in the hands of those who truly understand it, is like a compass. It not only helps reveal one’s personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, but it also guides one through life’s vicissitudes. Mastering BaZi helps us to better know who we are, manage our lives, and create our own destinies.





•被登錄於Marquis 2007亞洲名人錄;Marquis 2008、2010、2012世界名人錄;Marquis 2011–2012科學及工程名人錄

Author Introduction:
Dr. Gwan-Hwan Hwang, Ph.D.

Attended Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School and graduated with a Degree and Masters at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. Dr. Hwang obtained his Ph.D. from Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan. After serving the military, he obtained a faculty position at a university in Taiwan and published dozens of papers at global engineering conventions and SCI journals.

His name is also listed on Marquis Who’s Who. In 2009, he received tenure and is currently teaching and doing research in the field of science and engineering at a University in Taiwan.

He was previously vice dean of the College of Science of his university as well. Dr. Hwang’s knowledge of BaZi was entirely self-taught and he applies a scientific and analytical approach to the study of destiny reading. Dr. Hwang currently spends his free time helping people resolve their life’s problems and has received admiration and respect from his followers and clients. With the encouragement of his followers, Dr. Hwang has decided to make his findings known through this book.



Author Introduction:
Hsing-Fen Chiang

Went to National Hsinchu Girls’ Senior High School and graduated from Taiwan Tsing-Hua University, majoring in foreign languages. Chiang was very active during her university days and was captain of the school’s cheerleading team. She has been teaching English language for over 20 years.

Chiang has a wide range of interests, ranging from philosophy, religion, literature to mountain climbing, speed walking, and jogging. She has very keen observational skills and is character wise. In addition, she practices meditation. Together with her husband who studies Bazi, she has been assisting in collecting all the case studies and partaking in analyses and active discussions with Dr. Hwang. She is currently also providing BaZi consultation and counseling services and has received very positive f

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