老外常掛嘴邊的生活片語 | 拾書所


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以dog為例,我們列出了一些含有dog這個字的片語,當你在學go to the dogs(每況愈下)時,同時也能學到every dog has its day(風水輪流轉)和let sleeping dogs lie(別自找麻煩)等跟dog相關的片語。這些片語有共同的主要單字連結,除了讓讀者能看一學多,它們所傳達出的意思也可能是有某些程度上的類似或延伸。最重要的是,這些自然系片語一點也不難,anyone, anytime, anywhere,只要持續翻讀下去,都讓人驚喜連連。



FIRE 019 - 034
add fuel to the fire 火上加油▪catch fire 迅速蔓延;引發狂熱▪caught in the crossfire 遭受池魚之殃;被周圍的爭端波及▪fire away 開始說話或發言▪fire sale 跳樓大拍賣;賤價拍賣▪fire the/one’s first shot 率先行動▪fire up 啟動;激發▪irons in the fire 做的事情;從事的工作▪light a fire under sb. 使某人努力做事▪on fire 熱烈進行▪out of the frying pan (and) into the fire 每況愈下▪play with fire 做危險的事;冒險▪set… on fire 使……燃燒;使……極為成功並引起轟動▪spread like wildfire 迅速傳開▪the fat is in the fire 搞砸;完蛋▪under fire 受到抨擊、批評▪where’s the fire 你急什麼

WATER 035 - 049
a drop in the water/ocean/bucket 微不足道▪blow out of the water 徹底擊敗▪get sb. out of the water 救某人脫困▪hold water 站得住腳;有道理▪in hot water 碰到麻煩;遇上困難▪keep one’s head above water 勉強渡過危機▪make one’s mouth water 讓某人垂涎三尺▪mix oil and water 非常困難▪pour oil on troubled waters 調停爭端;息事寧人▪spend money like water 花錢如流水▪test the waters 試探;試水溫▪throw cold water on 潑冷水▪tread water(游泳時)踩水;徒勞無功▪troubled waters 混亂的狀況▪water down 淡化;減弱▪water under the bridge 已經過去的事情

AIR 051 - 061
a breath of fresh air 令人耳目一新的事物▪an air of 一股……的氣氛▪clear the air 消除疑慮▪fill the air 填補空檔▪full of hot air 說大話▪have one’s nose in the air 自視甚高;目中無人▪in the air 即將發生;可感覺到▪out of thin air 憑空出現;突然出現▪put on airs 自以為是;裝模作樣▪suck the air out 吸乾抹淨;徹底毀滅▪up in the air 懸而未決;尚未確定

WIND / BREEZE 063 - 072
be a breeze 輕而易舉就可以……▪get wind of 聽說(消息、風聲)▪sail close to the wind 冒風險;遊走法律邊緣▪second wind 喘口氣;恢復體力(再繼續做某事)▪shoot the breeze 打屁聊天▪sniff the breeze 觀察風向▪take the wind out of one’s sails 澆某人冷水;使某人喪失信心▪the winds of change 潮流;風潮▪throw caution to the wind 不顧一切;不加思索地▪whistle in the wind 胡扯;隨便說說

STONE / ROCK 073 - 080
a stone’s throw 不遠處;投石之遙▪between a rock and a hard place 進退兩難▪fall like a rock 快速下降▪hit rock bottom 情況跌落谷底▪leave no stone unturned 千方百計;想盡辦法▪live under a rock 與世隔絕▪on the rocks 觸礁▪(as) solid as a rock 堅若磐石的;穩重堅固的

RAIN & RAINBOW 081 - 088
keep/save for a rainy day 未雨綢繆;以備不時之需▪make it rain 賺大錢▪make it through the rain 走過風雨▪rain on one’s parade 掃某人的興;潑人冷水▪(come) rain or shine 不管天氣好壞;風雨無阻▪take a rain check 改天吧▪when it rains, it pours 禍不單行▪chase rainbows 痴人說夢

STORM & BOLT & THUNDER 089 - 097
make a tempest / storm in a teacup 小題大作▪storm into / out of 非常氣憤地進入/離開某地▪take… by storm 橫掃;席捲;使(觀眾)入迷▪the eye of the storm 暴風雨前的寧靜▪up a storm 起勁地;熱烈地▪weather the storm 撐過難關▪a bolt out of the blue 晴天霹靂▪steal one’s thunder 搶走某人鋒頭

SUN & MOON & STAR 099 - 107
everything under the sun 所有的事物▪make hay while the sun shines 把握光陰;勿蹉跎時光▪ride off into the sunset 退場;結束▪place in the sun 闖出一片天、佔有一席之地▪the sun won’t be setting on 氣勢興旺;如日中天▪once in a blue moon 千載難逢;極罕見▪over the moon 喜上眉梢▪aim for the stars 立定志向▪reach for the stars 心比天高

NATURE & WEATHER 109 - 116
answer nature’s call 上廁所▪by one’s nature 就最根本的本性來說;就內在的本質而言▪get back to nature 回歸自然▪let nature take its course 順其自然▪second nature 第二天性;習性▪fair-weather friends 酒肉朋友▪under the weather 身體不舒服

SNOW & ICE 117 - 124
be snowed under 忙得不可開交▪snow… in 大雪困住……▪snow job 騙局▪break the ice 劃破沉默;打破隔閡▪skate on thin ice 如履薄冰▪put… on ice 暫緩停擺進行某事▪sell ice to the Eskimos 口若懸河;擁有三寸不之舌▪the tip of the iceberg 冰山一角

MOUNTAIN & HILL 125 - 129
move mountains 竭盡全力;克服萬難▪over the hill 走下坡;年華老去▪make a mountain out of a molehill 大驚小怪;小題大作▪run for the hills 自……逃開;尋求安全庇護之所

EARTH 131 - 134
come down to earth 回到現實;回歸實際▪hell on earth 人間煉獄▪on earth 究竟;到底

ON LAND 135 - 143
keep one’s feet on the ground 腳踏實地▪from the ground up 從零開始▪on the ground 在現場▪drag sb. through the mud 使某人名譽掃地▪bury one’s head in the sand 駝鳥心態▪done and dusted 大功告成▪leave in the dust 遠遠超越▪let the dust settle 待塵埃落定;等狀況明朗

AT SEA 145 - 150
ebb and flow 消長盛衰;退潮和漲潮▪make waves 興風作浪;掀起風潮▪ride the/a wave 乘勢而起▪send shock waves through 帶來巨大的衝擊;投下震撼彈▪tide sb. over 幫某人撐過困難時期、度過難關▪turn the tide 扭轉局勢

IN THE SKY 151 - 156
the sky is the limit 沒有限制;無遠弗屆▪cloud one’s judgment 蒙蔽某人的判斷力▪every cloud has a silver lining 守得雲開見月明;天無絕人之路▪head in the clouds 做白日夢;胡思亂想▪on cloud nine 十分高興;樂不可支

HORSE 157 - 170
back the wrong horse 下錯賭注▪beat a dead horse 徒勞無功;白費心機▪dark horse 意外獲勝者▪don’t look a gift horse in the mouth 餽贈之物,切莫挑剔▪eat a horse 飢腸轆轆;餓得發暈▪eat like a horse 食量很大▪get back on the horse 重新振作;重新出發▪get off one’s high horse 別趾高氣揚▪horse around 胡鬧▪horse of another color 完全另外一回事▪hold your horses 慢慢來▪put the cart before the horse 本末倒置;倒果為因▪straight from the horse’s mouth 第一手的(消息、資訊);根據可靠的消息來源▪you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink 牛不飲水,不能按牛低頭

DOG 171 - 182
can’t teach an old dog new tricks 積習難改;本性難移▪dog days 炎炎夏日;苦日子▪dog-eat-dog 競爭激烈的▪dog person 喜歡狗的人▪even a dog could score 某件事很簡單▪every dog has its day 風水輪流轉▪go to the dogs 每況愈下▪in the doghouse 失寵;惹上麻煩▪let sleeping dogs lie 別自找麻煩▪rain cats and dogs 下傾盆大雨▪(as) sick as a dog 病得不輕▪top dog 重要人物;大頭;大佬

DUCK 183 - 190
dead duck 完蛋、死定的人▪duck and dodge 閃躲▪duck and dive 閃躲低身;閃避▪duck down 突然低下(頭或身體)▪ducks in a row 做好萬全的準備;胸有成竹▪duck one’s way through 低著身經過▪like water off a duck’s back 毫無效果、影響▪sitting duck 容易攻擊或欺騙的目標▪ugly duckling 不顯眼但很出色的人事物

CHICKEN 191 - 200
chick magnet 萬人迷▪chickens come home to roost 自食惡果;自作自受▪chicken feed 為數甚小的款項▪chicken out 因怯懦而退縮;臨陣脫逃▪cock and bull story 編來欺騙人的故事▪don’t be a chicken 別那麼沒膽▪don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched 別高興得太早▪like a chicken with its head cut off 心慌意亂;像無頭蒼蠅一般▪no spring chicken 青春不再;年華已逝

a bull in a china shop 笨手笨腳;魯莽行事;橫衝直撞▪bull market 牛市▪cash cow 金雞母;搖錢樹▪have a cow 焦躁不安的、惱怒生氣的▪sacred cow 不可批評、侵犯的人或事物▪take the bull by the horns 果斷行動▪till the cows come home 再久也沒用▪get one’s goat 激怒、惹惱某人▪wolf in sheep’s clothing 披著羊皮的狼;偽善者

MONKEY 211 - 218
a monkey on one’s back 難以解決的麻煩▪a monke

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