「The Emperor’s new clothes.」(國王的新衣:安徒生童話裡的國王一絲不掛遊街,是因為沒有人敢說出真相。)
「The elephant in the room.」(房間裡的大象:房間裡明明有隻大象,人們卻當作沒看見。)
「Face the music .」(勇於面對現實,接受不好的後果:這裡不是要你面對音樂,而是要你承擔做錯事的後果。)
「Put a tiger in your tank.」(油箱裡的猛虎能量:在你的油箱裡放一隻老虎?!這是知名汽油品牌ESSO的廣告文案,但老虎與汽油有什麼關係呢?正是這種隱喻,使人想去探究其深層的含義:這種汽油將為你的汽車帶來無限的動力,猶如一頭猛虎。)
「Act the goat.」(裝瘋賣傻/幹盡蠢事:這可不是扮一隻山羊,這是為了逃避責任的「裝傻」,也可解釋為逗人一笑的「耍笨」,有時候還可形容「瘋癲」。)
「The Emperor’s new clothes.」(國王的新衣:安徒生童話裡的國王一絲不掛遊街,是因為沒有人敢說出真相。)
「The elephant in the room.」(房間裡的大象:房間裡明明有隻大象,人們卻當作沒看見。)
「Face the music .」(勇於面對現實,接受不好的後果:這裡不是要你面對音樂,而是要你承擔做錯事的後果。)
「Put a tiger in your tank.」(油箱裡的猛虎能量:在你的油箱裡放一隻老虎?!這是知名汽油品牌ESSO的廣告文案,但老虎與汽油有什麼關係呢?正是這種隱喻,使人想去探究其深層的含義:這種汽油將為你的汽車帶來無限的動力,猶如一頭猛虎。)
「Act the goat.」(裝瘋賣傻/幹盡蠢事:這可不是扮一隻山羊,這是為了逃避責任的「裝傻」,也可解釋為逗人一笑的「耍笨」,有時候還可形容「瘋癲」。)
彼得•蕭(Peter Shaw)
普瑞斯塔夥伴(Praesta Partners)企管顧問公司的共同創辦人,至今為止曾與遍布六大洲的個人、小組及團隊共事,協助他們增強實力並滿懷信心克服艱巨的困難。他曾擔任英國政府的一級主管,廣泛歷練各部門的局處首長層級職位,包括財經、政策、交通和運輸等領域。他著有三十本關於領導力的專書,每一本都擲地有聲,目前是英國、澳洲和加拿大等八所高等教育機構的領導力發展學客座教授。
[email protected]
彼得•蕭(Peter Shaw)
普瑞斯塔夥伴(Praesta Partners)企管顧問公司的共同創辦人,至今為止曾與遍布六大洲的個人、小組及團隊共事,協助他們增強實力並滿懷信心克服艱巨的困難。他曾擔任英國政府的一級主管,廣泛歷練各部門的局處首長層級職位,包括財經、政策、交通和運輸等領域。他著有三十本關於領導力的專書,每一本都擲地有聲,目前是英國、澳洲和加拿大等八所高等教育機構的領導力發展學客座教授。
[email protected]
序 讓隱喻帶你表現出最佳引導力和影響力
前言 使用隱喻,能製造具創意及啟發性的對話
PART 1 願景
1.種子必須死去 The seed has to die
2.失之東隅,收之桑榆 When one door closes another opens
3.隧道盡頭見曙光 The light at the end of the tunnel
4.路上的絆腳石 The rocks in the way
5.舊的不去,新的不來 There has to be an ending before there can be a new beginning.
6.從高處俯瞰 A bird’s-eye view
7.攀登另一座山 The next mountain to climb
8.越線之前先看會跌多遠 Don’t jump over the edge without looking how far you might fall
9.扭轉局面 Turn the tables
10.適時另闢蹊徑 Time to blaze a trail
11.潮起必有潮落 Every tide has its ebb
12.三思而後行 Look before you leap
13.萬丈高樓平地起 Great oaks from little acorns grow
14.懦夫難贏美人心 Faint hearts never won fair lady
15.失之毫釐,謬以千里 A miss is as good as a mile
16.需要為發明之母 Necessity is the mother of invention
17.獨木難成林 One swallow does not make a summer
18.慎防自我意識之爭 Beware of the battle of the egos
19.鍊條的強度取決於最弱的一環 A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
20.千里之行,始於足下 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
21.一畫勝千言 A picture is worth a thousand words
22.切勿殺雞取卵 Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg
23.超越鼠目寸光 Look beyond the end of your nose
24.急功近利/竭澤而漁 The immediate can drive out the important
PART 2 價值
25.希望之泉永不枯竭 Hope springs eternal
26.剃刀邊緣 A close shave
27.人生就是旋轉木馬 Life is a roundabout
28.不吠的狗 The dog that didn’t bark
29.持續觀察 Keep watch
30.保持距離,以策安全 Know when to keep your distance
31.房間裡的大象 The elephant in the room
32.言歸於好 Bury the hatchet
33.劃出底線 Draw the line
34.勇於面對現實,接受不良的後果 Face the music
35.不要浪費危機 Don’t waste a crisis
36.揭人瘡疤等於揭己之短 People in glass house should not throw stones
37.多聽少說 We have two ears and one mouth
38.裝睡的人叫不醒/裝聾的人耳不聰 None so deaf as those who will not hear
39.心口相應 Connect brain to mouth
40.無風不起浪 No smoke without fire
41.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩 Once bitten twice shy
42.沉默即表示同意 Silence gives consent
43.不必炒熱場子 Don’t feel you have to fill the silence
44.少說少錯 The least said the soonest mended
45.真相將會水落石出 Truth will out
46.仁者見仁,智者見智 Truth has many dimensions
47.冷眼看激情 Watch getting steamed up
48.避免冷淡待人 Be mindful if you are giving the cold shoulder
49.坐而言不如起而行 Actions speak louder than words
50.閃閃發亮的未必是黃金 All that glitters is not gold
51.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 As you sow so shall you reap
52.親不敬,熟生蔑 Watch if familiarity breeds contempt
53.巧婦難為無米之炊 You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
PART 3 附加價值
54.先馳得點,捷足先登 A foot in the door
55.罐子裡的第一顆石頭 The first rocks in the jar
56.房子要建在岩石而非沙子上 Build on rock and not on sand
57.克服重重阻礙 The hoop you have to jump through
58.進三步退兩步 Three steps forward and two steps back
59.烏龜慢走更快抵達 Go slow to go fast
60.許願需謹慎 Be careful what you wish for
61.掌舵而非划槳 Steering not rowing
62.全副武裝上陣 Armed to the teeth
63.英勇的王者之心 Lion-hearted
64.等待雲消霧散/等待良機 Wait till the clouds roll by
65.鳶飛戾天,俯仰自如 Soaring and swooping like an eagle
66.有備無患 Keep your powder dry
67.防患於未然 Nip in the bud
68.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 The early bird catches the worm
69.打鐵趁熱 Strike while the iron is hot
70.維持蓬勃發展 Keep the pot boiling
71.當機立斷 Take the bull by the horns
72.人人平等 A cat may look at a king
73.把握良機 Make hay while the sun shines
74.得心應手的訣竅 Know the ropes
75.聊勝於無 Half a loaf is better than none
76.風水輪流轉 Fortune knocks once on every door
77.三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 Two heads are better than one
78.三個和尚沒水喝/人多誤事 Too many cooks spoil the broth
79.小洞不補,大洞吃苦 A stitch in time saves nine
80.慎防骨牌效應 Be alert to the domino effect
81.全力以赴 Put your best foot forward
82.力求殊途同歸Seek to ensure both ends meet
83.山中無老虎,猴子稱大王 Among the blind the one-eyed man is king
84.遲到總比缺席好 Better late than never
85.小心駛得萬年船 Discretion is the better part of valour
86.綜觀全局,洞悉本質 Be on the balcony and on the dance floor
87.偶爾深入檢視 Use the long screwdriver occasionally
88.一絲真相 A germ of truth
89.密室對談 Conversations in the grey space
90.三振出局 Three strikes and you are
序 讓隱喻帶你表現出最佳引導力和影響力
前言 使用隱喻,能製造具創意及啟發性的對話
PART 1 願景
1.種子必須死去 The seed has to die
2.失之東隅,收之桑榆 When one door closes another opens
3.隧道盡頭見曙光 The light at the end of the tunnel
4.路上的絆腳石 The rocks in the way
5.舊的不去,新的不來 There has to be an ending before there can be a new beginning.
6.從高處俯瞰 A bird’s-eye view
7.攀登另一座山 The next mountain to climb
8.越線之前先看會跌多遠 Don’t jump over the edge without looking how far you might fall
9.扭轉局面 Turn the tables
10.適時另闢蹊徑 Time to blaze a trail
11.潮起必有潮落 Every tide has its ebb
12.三思而後行 Look before you leap
13.萬丈高樓平地起 Great oaks from little acorns grow
14.懦夫難贏美人心 Faint hearts never won fair lady
15.失之毫釐,謬以千里 A miss is as good as a mile
16.需要為發明之母 Necessity is the mother of invention
17.獨木難成林 One swallow does not make a summer
18.慎防自我意識之爭 Beware of the battle of the egos
19.鍊條的強度取決於最弱的一環 A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
20.千里之行,始於足下 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
21.一畫勝千言 A picture is worth a thousand words
22.切勿殺雞取卵 Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg
23.超越鼠目寸光 Look beyond the end of your nose
24.急功近利/竭澤而漁 The immediate can drive out the important
PART 2 價值
25.希望之泉永不枯竭 Hope springs eternal
26.剃刀邊緣 A close shave
27.人生就是旋轉木馬 Life is a roundabout
28.不吠的狗 The dog that didn’t bark
29.持續觀察 Keep watch
30.保持距離,以策安全 Know when to keep your distance
31.房間裡的大象 The elephant in the room
32.言歸於好 Bury the hatchet
33.劃出底線 Draw the line
34.勇於面對現實,接受不良的後果 Face the music
35.不要浪費危機 Don’t waste a crisis
36.揭人瘡疤等於揭己之短 People in glass house should not throw stones
37.多聽少說 We have two ears and one mouth
38.裝睡的人叫不醒/裝聾的人耳不聰 None so deaf as those who will not hear
39.心口相應 Connect brain to mouth
40.無風不起浪 No smoke without fire
41.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩 Once bitten twice shy
42.沉默即表示同意 Silence gives consent
43.不必炒熱場子 Don’t feel you have to fill the silence
44.少說少錯 The least said the soonest mended
45.真相將會水落石出 Truth will out
46.仁者見仁,智者見智 Truth has many dimensions
47.冷眼看激情 Watch getting steamed up
48.避免冷淡待人 Be mindful if you are giving the cold shoulder
49.坐而言不如起而行 Actions speak louder than words
50.閃閃發亮的未必是黃金 All that glitters is not gold
51.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 As you sow so shall you reap
52.親不敬,熟生蔑 Watch if familiarity breeds contempt
53.巧婦難為無米之炊 You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
PART 3 附加價值
54.先馳得點,捷足先登 A foot in the door
55.罐子裡的第一顆石頭 The first rocks in the jar
56.房子要建在岩石而非沙子上 Build on rock and not on sand
57.克服重重阻礙 The hoop you have to jump through
58.進三步退兩步 Three steps forward and two steps back
59.烏龜慢走更快抵達 Go slow to go fast
60.許願需謹慎 Be careful what you wish for
61.掌舵而非划槳 Steering not rowing
62.全副武裝上陣 Armed to the teeth
63.英勇的王者之心 Lion-hearted
64.等待雲消霧散/等待良機 Wait till the clouds roll by
65.鳶飛戾天,俯仰自如 Soaring and swooping like an eagle
66.有備無患 Keep your powder dry
67.防患於未然 Nip in the bud
68.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 The early bird catches the worm
69.打鐵趁熱 Strike while the iron is hot
70.維持蓬勃發展 Keep the pot boiling
71.當機立斷 Take the bull by the horns
72.人人平等 A cat may look at a king
73.把握良機 Make hay while the sun shines
74.得心應手的訣竅 Know the ropes
75.聊勝於無 Half a loaf is better than none
76.風水輪流轉 Fortune knocks once on every door
77.三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 Two heads are better than one
78.三個和尚沒水喝/人多誤事 Too many cooks spoil the broth
79.小洞不補,大洞吃苦 A stitch in time saves nine
80.慎防骨牌效應 Be alert to the domino effect
81.全力以赴 Put your best foot forward
82.力求殊途同歸Seek to ensure both ends meet
83.山中無老虎,猴子稱大王 Among the blind the one-eyed man is king
84.遲到總比缺席好 Better late than never
85.小心駛得萬年船 Discretion is the better part of valour
86.綜觀全局,洞悉本質 Be on the balcony and on the dance floor
87.偶爾深入檢視 Use the long screwdriver occasionally
88.一絲真相 A germ of truth
89.密室對談 Conversations in the grey space
90.三振出局 Three strikes and you are