美好食光:中英雙語台灣美食故事 | 拾書所


$ 253 元 原價 253





專文推薦 作家 張誌瑋|南臺科大 黃大夫教授、張韶華教授
誠摯推薦 作家 曹銘宗|作家 焦桐

Are you looking for a book about the stories of foods and drinks? Do you want to know who invented them and why they are so delicious? Feel short of words to explain the ingredients and cooking method for Stinky Tofu? This is a useful book for foodies and English learners who wants to learn and share these interesting stories with international friends.

The Real Stories Behind Taiwanese Food and Drink include:

* 40 stories behind Taiwanese food and drink
* an introduction to cooking food
* beautiful illustrations

Take this book with you when looking for tasty food on Taiwan's streets. Enjoy your meal!



Huang Yu-Hsiu
Huang Yu-Hsiu is an assistant professor in the Department of Applied English at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Her specialties include English for Tourism, heritage interpretation, and teaching English through games.

Andrew Starck

Andrew Starck
Andrew Starck has been lecturing at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology for twenty years. He has taught a wide range of courses in the humanities, including philosophy, history and Spanish. He is a trained artist with interests in painting, calligraphy, dance and choreography.



Vocabulary and Sentence Patterns 美食單字與句型
Fried Savory Dishes 煎炒炸美食
1. Oyster Omelet 蚵仔煎的故事
2. Milkfish 虱目魚的故事
3. Coffin Bread (Treasure Chest) 棺材板(官財板)的故事
4. Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐的故事
5. Mullet Roe 烏魚子的故事
6. Swamp Eel Noodles 鱔魚意麵的故事
7. Shrimp Rolls 蝦捲的故事

Steamed and Cooked Dishes 蒸煮美食
8. Danzai Noodles 擔仔麵的故事
9. Oyster Misua (Taiwanese Oyster Noodle) 蚵仔麵線的故事
10. Tangbao 湯包的故事
11. Turkey Rice 火雞肉飯的故事
12. Zongzi (Leaf-wrapped Sticky Rice) 粽子的故事
13. Migao 米糕的故事
14. Wagui (Bowl Rice Cake) 碗粿的故事
15. Squid Rice Noodles 小卷米粉的故事
16. Fried Tutuo Fish (Spanish Mackerel) in Thick Soup ??魠魚羹的故事
17. Floating Milkfish in Thick Soup 浮水魚羹的故事
18. Bawan 肉圓的故事
19. Pig's Blood Cakes 豬血糕的故事
20. Gua Bao (Pork Belly Steamed Bun) 刈包的故事
21. Run bing (Taiwanese Wrap) 潤餅的故事

Stewed and Braised Dishes 燉滷美食
22. Bra

ISBN: 9786267193259

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