The Ultimate Book of Reptiles: Your Guide to the Secret Lives of These Scaly, Slithery, and Spectacular Creatures!

The Ultimate Book of Reptiles: Your Guide to the Secret Lives of These Scaly, Slithery, and Spectacular Creatures!

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Sink your fangs into the hidden worlds of these scaly and sensational creatures with leading reptile scientist and National Geographic Explorer Dr. Ruchira Somaweera as your guide.

Meet the coolest cold-blooded animals ever. From lizards to snakes, turtles to crocodiles, something called a tuatara, and even enormous prehistoric reptiles (think real-life sea monsters!), you’ll discover what makes a reptile a reptile; how these creatures live, hunt, hide, and raise their young, and the wild adaptations that make them so unique. Learn which snake is the most venomous on the planet and which are surprisingly gentle creatures, which reptile is born with a highly developed third eye in its forehead, and which one is so tiny it could balance on the tip of your finger--plus loads of super important conservation information and impactful ways to join the fight to save endangered reptile species right from home!

With gorgeous full-color photographs and nail-biting from-the-field stories from Dr. Somaweera--including the time he waded waist-deep into a cave teeming with gigantic crocodiles!--this book takes you up close and personal with wild, weird, and just plain wonderful reptiles.

Complete your collection with The Ultimate Book of Sharks, The Ultimate Book of African Animals, and The Ultimate Book of Big Cats!



DR. RUCHIRA SOMAWEERA is a herpetologist and National Geographic Explorer who has spent over two decades traveling the world studying reptiles and amphibians. He earned his PhD in Zoology from the University of Sydney and was a research scientist at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) and is currently a Principal Environmental Scientist at Stantec Australia and an adjunct research fellow at the University of Western Australia. He’s also an advocate for public awareness and education: He has a YouTube channel called Zootopica, co-manages a specialized, science-based wildlife expedition venture called Aaranya Wildlife Odysseys, and is active on Instagram, where he posts some of his gorgeous photos from the field. He is originally from Sri Lanka and is currently based in Australia.

STEPHANIE WARREN DRIMMER is a longtime writer for National Geographic Kids magazine and has written several books for Nat Geo Kids, including Roar!100 Facts about African Animals, Animal Showdown, Night Skies, Surprising Stories Behind Everyday Stuff, and Ultimate Weatherpedia.



  • ISBN:9781426373732
  • 規格:精裝 / 192頁 / 30.18 x 23.19 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:8歲~12歲




  • 2024曬書市集69元起,滿萬再回饋1000元E-Coupon!









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