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原來可爾必思Calpis在英語系國家販售時改名CalPico是因為念起來像是「牛的尿」(Caw Piss)!!


學的英文都沒用? 老外在場就失靈!

尤其在這全民瘋上傳美食照的年代,平日吃遍各地料理,說得一口美食經,但遇到老外在場就得了失語症? 其實是因為很多中式烹調方法與食材英文裡面沒有,要用老外懂的字去解釋。課本沒有,老師沒教,自己平時沒有準備,當然沒辦法在關鍵時刻把美食變成話題讓自己加分。不但不能破冰,反而瞬間結冰。


從平價小吃到高檔料理 分享飲食文化 打破語言疆界

《美食英語無國界》特別規劃了四個美食主題館: 主食、甜點、飲料和點心,每個館都精心準備了各國不論是觀光客還是在地人都流口水的經典料理。還有聊天必備、點餐必會【實用對話】和【好用句型】,讓 您在這裡盡情【用英文聊美食】,讀【飲食小百科】領略各國飲食文化的精微奧妙,還有不說您不知道的【菜餚故事】,從此談論各國美食再也難不倒 您,不但破冰,更後味無窮!


冷場王還是話題王? 「美食」永遠是最好的話題!

與上司等電梯時的空檔,與客戶開會時的中場休息,與外籍朋友路邊的閒聊,太多機會展現您的哈拉功力了,此時 您是話題王,還是冷場王? 聊天氣太乾,聊政治太敏感,聊工作又太無趣。「美食」永遠是最好的話題,隨便聊起一道昨天吃的夜市小吃,讓您與不熟的人也能瞬間破冰。




目  錄


Cuisine Gallery 1: Main Courses


1.1美式主食大集合 American Main Courses

1.2中式主食大集合 Chinese Main Courses

1.3日式主食大集合 Japanese Main Courses

1.4義式主食大集合 Italian Main Courses

1.5港式主食大集合 Hong Kong Main Courses

1.6泰式主食大集合 Thai Main Courses



Cuisine Gallery 2: Dessert & Sweets


2.1美式甜點大集合 American Dessert & Sweets

2.2中式甜點大集合 Chinese Dessert & Sweets

2.3日式甜點大集合 Japanese Dessert & Sweets

2.4義式甜點大集合 Italian Dessert & Sweets

2.5港式甜點大集合 Hong Kong Dessert & Sweets

2.6泰式甜點大集合 Thai Dessert & Sweets


3號美食館: 飲料

Cuisine Gallery 3: Drinks


3.1美式飲料大集合 American Drinks

3.2中式飲料大集合 Chinese Drinks

3.3日式飲料大集合 Japanese Drinks

3.4義式飲料大集合 Italian Drinks

3.5港式飲料大集合 Hong Kong Drinks

3.6泰式飲料大集合 Thai Drinks


4號美食館: 點心

Cuisine Gallery 4: Snacks


4.1美式點心大集合 American Snacks

4.2中式點心大集合 Chinese Snacks

4.3日式點心大集合 Japanese Snacks

4.4義式點心大集合 Italian Snacks

4.5港式點心大集合 Hong Kong Snacks

4.6泰式點心大集合 Thai Snacks








1.1美式主食大集合 American Main Courses
用英文聊美食 聊天必備Talking About Food In English
Waiter A: Good afternoon sir. What would you like to order?
Customer B: It’s my first time in America. I want to try some typical American food. What do you recommend?
Waiter A: Roasted pork ribs are the quintessence of American BBQ cuisine, and "New Orleans style pork roast" is the most representative. It adds a special flavor known as "Cajun cause," which is a mixture of more than ten spices. It is not only Americans' favorite, but also attracts Asians who enjoy heavy taste.
Customer B: Sounds great, but it's not lunch time yet. I'm afraid that if I just eat meat, it will cause me an indigestion.
服務生A:那真是太可惜了,不然我還想推薦您品嘗美國人最愛的肉類料理--牛排呢! 那麼您覺得漢堡如何呢? 一般美式漢堡除了漢堡排(Hamburger steak)以外,還可以改成魚排、雞排或豬排等,也可以搭配不同的配料和調味料,讓口感更豐富、更美味。
Waiter A: What a pity, or else I'd recommend you American's favorite meat cuisine, steaks! Would you like to have a burger then? In general, American style burgers, except for hamburger steaks, can be switched to fish, chicken, pork, etc.. We can also put other ingredients or sauces into the burger, making it rich and tasty.
Customer B: I heard that if I come to southern America, I should try the local fried chickens. Since there are already fried chickens and burgers at fast food restaurants in Taiwan, I would like to try something rare and special.
服務生A:那麼墨西哥捲餅怎麼樣呢? 墨西哥捲餅是用一張墨西哥薄餅(tortilla)將肉餡、蔬菜等捲成U字型。餡料從烤牛肉、雞肉、豬肉、魚蝦、乳酪都有,搭配的醬料則有莎莎醬(salsa sauce)、酪梨醬(guacamole)、碎番茄粒(pico de gallo)等。
Waiter A: How about burritos? Burritos are made by folded tortilla with meat stuffing and vegetables. The stuffing can be beef, chicken, pork, seafood or cheese. You may also choose various sauces such as salsa sauce, guacamole, or crushed tomato (pico de gallo).
Customer B: Burrito? Isn't it Mexican cuisine?
Waiter A: Burrito is a traditional Mexican dish for sure, but Mexican food is common in American families. Mexican food deeply influenced American's dining culture, and it is considered part of American cuisine.
客人B:聽說墨西哥料理被譽為世界名菜,與法國菜和中國菜並駕齊驅,看來果真不假,那我就來一份烤牛肉的墨西哥捲餅吧! 謝謝你。
Customer B: I heard that Mexican cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines in the world, like French and Chinese ones. I would like to have a roast beef burrito. Thank you.
Waiter A: Alright, one roast beef burrito. It will be served right the way.
飲食小百科 文化大不同Differences in Cultures
牛在各國文化中的定位 Cattle Around the World
印度 Cattle In India
India, also known as "the Cattle Kingdom," treats cattle as sacred animal. In India, people drive carefully to avoid cattle, and cattle hide products are forbidden in temples. They avoid taking pictures of cows, and of course, beef is out of their diet.
美國Cattle In America
Beef is the most widely used ingredient in American diet culture. Asians try to avoid bloody meat, so they prefer to cook it; Americans prefer to eat it with blood to preserve its original taste and nutrition. They usually just roast the whole piece of steak and cut it in slices to keep its original taste.
日本Cattle in Japan
Japan had implemented a policy of abstention from meat for nearly thousand years, and the ban was lifted only in modern era. Beef became the main choice of meat under Western influence, and it also became the favorite animal ingredient, except for fish.
西班牙Cattle in Spain
It's very popular in Spain to eat cattle tripe and tails. It is said that after bullfighting, all bulls died in the battle are sent into the kitchen. However, not all fighting bulls become their food. In some cases, bullfighters have limited time and frequency to take down the bulls. If the bullfighter fail to take down the bull within the limit, the host will order the bullfighter to stop the event. People consider the survived bull as divine animal, and allow it to die naturally. It will also be buried, instead of being sent into kitchens.
中國Cattle in China



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9789869033152
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 288
    • 商品規格
    • 18開17*23cm
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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