謝雪紅: 汪其楣劇作 | 誠品線上

Hsieh Hsueh-Hung: a Play by Wang Chi-Mei

作者 Wang Chi-Mei
出版社 允晨文化實業股份有限公司
商品描述 謝雪紅: 汪其楣劇作:謝雪紅,彰化人。出身赤貧,幾成文盲,曾為養女及商人妾。日後卻留學莫斯科,成立台共。二二八時在台中帶領武鬥。然後以台灣民主自治同盟主席身份參與


內容簡介 謝雪紅,彰化人。出身赤貧,幾成文盲,曾為養女及商人妾。日後卻留學莫斯科,成立台共。二二八時在台中帶領武鬥。然後以台灣民主自治同盟主席身份參與中共建國。謝雪紅的故事曾淹沒在一甲子以來複雜的政治對立和鬥爭中,與時俱變的浪潮亦常在她身上沖刷出不同的色彩。汪其楣以獨立戲的形式,在2010年演出《謝雪紅》。讓這位不平凡的女性站上舞台,為自己的意志及感懷說話。這個台灣戲劇文本已由李耀宗翻譯成英文,2018年由允晨文化以中英對照方式編排出版。希望在台灣或世界任何地方的英語讀者,也能參與台灣當代劇本的閱覽與朗讀,認識這位勇敢、傑出的女性,也聆聽台灣舞台上許多動人的故事。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介汪其楣臺大中文系畢業,美國奧勒岡大學戲劇碩士,台灣資深戲劇家。她所編導的作品風格醇厚,細緻動人,以台灣人情與環境為題材的《人間孤兒》系列之外,也曾致力於聾人手語戲劇三十餘載,影響深遠。她更擅長女性角色刻劃,並親自主演《舞者阿月—台灣舞蹈家蔡瑞月的生命傳奇》、《歌未央—千首詞人慎芝的故事》、《謝雪紅》等台灣女性經典角色。此外還有戲曲相關作品《賞心樂事—汪其楣觀劇閒散筆記》、《浪漫傳奇拜月亭》。散文集《海洋心情—AIDS文學備忘錄》,編撰《歸零與無限—台灣特殊藝術金講義》、《歌壇春秋》。主編《戲劇交流道—劇本系列》、《現代戲劇集》、《國民文選‧戲劇卷》。她最新作品是為了校園推廣而寫的《青春悲懷—台灣愛滋戰場紀實戲劇》。曾獲1993年吳三連文學獎、2004年賴和文學獎。■譯者簡介李耀宗輔仁大學數學學士,美國密西根大學數學碩士,擔任紐約聯合國總部中文同聲傳譯超過三十年。英譯中的書籍包括索爾‧貝羅《更多的人死於心碎》、戴維‧懷斯《特工卡西迪》,另外也將王安憶、徐城北、葉欣、陳村等中國名作家的作品及《上下五千年》譯成英文出版。


產品目錄 人生是一場探求真理的旅行 廖志峰劇場的謝雪紅值得不斷探索 邱坤良讀她,演她──《謝雪紅》 汪其楣一位摩登革命家 汪其楣演獨角戲,拉回飄流的線索 汪其楣Life's Jouney Ought to be an Unending Search for the Truth–– about Hsieh Hsueh-Hung《謝雪紅》中英對照劇本Hsieh Hsueh-Hung a Play in Chinese and English雪地中綻放的血色之花──施懿琳、王婉容談《謝雪紅》


書名 / 謝雪紅: 汪其楣劇作
作者 / Wang Chi-Mei
簡介 / 謝雪紅: 汪其楣劇作:謝雪紅,彰化人。出身赤貧,幾成文盲,曾為養女及商人妾。日後卻留學莫斯科,成立台共。二二八時在台中帶領武鬥。然後以台灣民主自治同盟主席身份參與
出版社 / 允晨文化實業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789869622226
ISBN10 / 9869622224
EAN / 9789869622226
誠品26碼 / 2681576679005
頁數 / 130
開數 / 25K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無


內文 : 第一場

場景 巡邏艦艇光明號的甲板上
時間 1947年5月21日夜晚(二二八之後謝雪紅離開台灣)





Act I
Scene Deck of patrol boat the Shining Light
Time Night of May 21, 1947:Hsieh Hsueh-hung leaves Taiwan in the
aftermath of the February 28 Incident
(Music)(Sound effect of ocean waves)
(Hsieh Hsueh-hung emerges from the boat’s hold onto the deserted deck,looking about her in a fit of muffled coughing)

The most dangerous place is often the safest.

As the Japanese say: “Toudai moto kurashi.” Darkness reigns at the foot of a lighthouse. Hsieh Hsueh-hung! A KMT military craft may just be your ticket out of danger!

When boarding the boat, I, feigning a frailty befitting an obasang, allowed myself to be supported by the others. Maotang said: “Please take care of these three” as he handed over the red envelope(gesture). We were spared the usual questioning and security checks. A heavy weight was lifted off our hearts only when the boat lifted anchor.

Cai Maotang, who works inside the Garrison Command of Fort Zuoying, found this patrol boat for us after learning that we were desperately looking for a boat. He got the boat commander to agree to give me, Kehuang and Zhou Ming, passage on his craft.








Cai came in person to Zhanghua to pick me up. It gave me a start when this lieutenant of the KMT navy, in white uniform, appeared before me.

On the train, I pretended to be his elderly mother. We didn’t attract any attention because he was in uniform and I feigned sleep all the way.

According to my younger sister, there was an APB out for me all across Taiwan, broadcast in Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka, Japanese and a mountain dialect.

“A reward of 300,000 yuan for Hsieh Hsueh-hung captured alive and 250,000 if dead.” I do fetch a high price! Even dead I’m worth 250,000! My younger sister,in her gallows humor, said to Kehuang: “Hey, you’re worth 300,000 a piece. That adds up to 600,000 for the two of you. Too bad I can’t collect it now. Make sure you compensate me when you come back.”

You will be compensated. I’ll make sure of that. You could at least build a new house with that kind of money. When we return, sister, you can ask anything from us.

And I won’t forget my younger brother. You’ve suffered simply because you happen to be my brother. Once the February 27 Brigade retreated to Puli, Chiang Kai-shek’s bandit troops marched into Taizhong and seized the premises of your Dahua Restaurant for use as their division headquarters. I got you into trouble again this time. Just wait for my return. Then you can open another store or do anything you want. Coach a baseball team even! Just wait ‘til I come back.

If I can get out safely today, one day I’ll be able to come back.
(Looks about)(The sea is shrouded in darkness)








It’s so dark on the sea. Today is May 21st. What day of the lunar month is it? Why hasn’t the moon come out yet?

Are those patches salt flats? Haven’t we passed the mouth of the Zhuoshui River yet?

Where is the Central Mountain Range? Why can’t I see anything except the stars?

This uprising was another failed attempt and I wasn’t able to form a people’s government in the time we had. We were overtaken by events because of insufficient preparation and poor communication. But the young people showed great courage in taking up arms to join the fight.

Has the KMT government got the message of the popular resistance? Has it heard the voice of the people, even if only a bit? In the end we weren’t able to hold Puli, nor were we able to retreat to the relative safety of Wushe. To avoid further casualties, we decided to stash away our weapons and temporarily disband.

The orders of the Central Committee of the Party arrived on the first plane to fly from Shanghai to Taiwan immediately after the February 28 Incident.

The Central Committee wanted us to leave Taiwan immediately. We received 40 thousand Taiwan dollars in mid-April for our travel needs. The amount was insufficient, but the thinking of the party was sufficiently clear. Finding a boat hasn’t been easy. There are smugglers’ boats but they are more trouble than they’re worth, given the risks. Kehuang shuttled between Zhanghua and Fengshan, trying to arrange one way out or another.





I had to find a hiding place because I was too visible a target. I walked from Yuchi to Shuili, over the mountains through Jiji to Zhushan. I finally found the Zhang house after trekking through seemingly endless bamboo thickets. When Mrs. Zhang saw me, she pulled me into her arms, without uttering a sob, but holding me for what felt like an eternity.

Zhang Maoliang, an old comrade, was present when the Communist Party of Taiwan was founded in Shanghai, representing the Taiwan Youth Study Group. It was he who took the pains of copying down the Party platform verbatim. Yes, it was twenty years ago, in 1927— or was it 1928 when we were arrested together in the French Concession in Shanghai? When he saw the Japanese plainclothes he raised his voice to alert me so that I would have time to dispose of documents. When we were led away by the Japanese secret agents to prison, I said to Maoliang: “A revolutionary is never out of work.” He understood immediately, replying: “Yes, going to prison is also part of our revolutionary work. We are not out of work. We are never out of work.” While in prison he was tortured to death by the hateful Japanese fascists. His eldest son Zhaotian was barely 20 when he also died at the hands of Chiang Kai-shek’s troops at the Huwei airport. I wanted to stay with Mrs. Zhang for a few more days but….

News from Meishan was that the situation was tense in the plains, with the military and the police daily sweeping the towns and raiding houses, hunting for me. I was told not to stay too long in any one place.

I returned to Hemei and hid in a relative’s place for two nights before traveling to Zhanghua to hunker down in the old house of an uncle of Kehuang’s.
