Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow | 誠品線上

明日, 明日, 又明日

作者 嘉布莉.麗文
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow:嘉布莉.麗文《明日,明日,又明日》【誰道明日何其多?從虛擬到現實的再出征】十二月隆冬,哈佛學生山姆在地鐵瞥見莎迪的身影並出聲


內容簡介 誰道明日何其多?從虛擬到現實的再出征猶太與韓裔混血兒山姆身有殘疾,在兩個族群中苦尋認同。他就讀哈佛時重遇年少相識的莎迪,並聯手打造出超人氣電玩遊戲。功成名就卻不見得能化解二人過去的心結⋯十二月隆冬,哈佛學生山姆在地鐵瞥見莎迪的身影並出聲呼喚。起初,她假裝沒聽見,但隨後回頭,遊戲便開始。兩人大學還沒畢業便因合作設計的電玩遊戲爆紅,年輕、才華洋溢、成功富有,未必能讓人免於野心或遭到背叛的煎熬。山姆是混血兒,身有殘疾,在猶太或韓裔族群都得不到認同。重遇年少鍾情的莎迪,也牽動沉痾心結,他能否打破那看不見的結界。---------人生是場遊戲,但你是玩家嗎?長踞《紐約時報》、亞馬遜暢銷書排行榜《A.J.的書店人生》作者橫掃全球暢銷新作《時代週刊》必讀好書★《紐約時報》注目好書★《華盛頓郵報》注目小說★《娛樂週刊》《柯克斯》書評《歐普拉日報》BuzzFeed等年度書單BookPage年度最佳小說★全球最大圖書分享社交網站GoodReads讀者票選獎得主沒錯,這是個愛情故事,但絕對是你沒讀過的那種……在這本由暢銷書《A. J. 的書店人生》作者創作的小說中,兩個好朋友對彼此常常滿懷愛意,卻從來沒有成為戀人,而在電玩遊戲設計的世界裡他們成為夥伴,成功給他們帶來了名氣、快樂、悲劇、欺騙,以及某種永恆的意義。大學三年級時,十二月寒冷的日子裡,山姆走出地鐵車廂,看見莎蒂。他喊了她的名字,她裝作沒聽見,但隨後轉過身。一場遊戲開始了,一場將他們推向巔峰的傳奇合作。童年曾曾是密友的兩個人,開始找資金、尋求協助,大學畢業之前,他們創造出第一款巨作《一五》。一夕之間,世界是他們的。儘管還不到25歲,山姆和莎蒂已經大放異彩,成功而富有,但這些都不能讓他們免於野心或背叛帶來的傷害。橫跨30年,從麻州的劍橋到加州洛杉磯的威尼斯海灘,在這之間和更遙遠的地方,嘉布莉.麗文的新作《明日,明日,又明日》探討了身份、障礙、失敗、挽回的可能,以及關係的建立:被愛與去愛的需求。本中文書介出自《明日, 明日, 又明日》商周出版出版In this exhilarating novel by the best-selling author of The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry two friends—often in love, but never lovers—come together as creative partners in the world of video game design, where success brings them fame, joy, tragedy, duplicity, and, ultimately, a kind of immortality."Utterly brilliant. In this sweeping, gorgeously written novel, Gabrielle Zevin charts the beauty, tenacity, and fragility of human love and creativity. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is one of the best books I've ever read. "—John Green On a bitter-cold day, in the December of his junior year at Harvard, Sam Masur exits a subway car and sees, amid the hordes of people waiting on the platform, Sadie Green. He calls her name. For a moment, she pretends she hasn’t heard him, but then, she turns, and a game begins: a legendary collaboration that will launch them to stardom. These friends, intimates since childhood, borrow money, beg favors, and, before even graduating college, they have created their first blockbuster, Ichigo. Overnight, the world is theirs. Not even twenty-five years old, Sam and Sadie are brilliant, successful, and rich, but these qualities won’t protect them from their own creative ambitions or the betrayals of their hearts. Spanning thirty years, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Venice Beach, California, and lands in between and far beyond, Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a dazzling and intricately imagined novel that examines the multifarious nature of identity, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play, and above all, our need to connect: to be loved and to love. Yes, it is a love story, but it is not one you have read before.


作者介紹 Gabrielle Zevin Gabrielle Zevin is the New York Times and internationally best-selling author of several critically acclaimed novels, including The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, which won the Southern California Independent Booksellers Award and the Japan Booksellers’ Award among other honors, and Young Jane Young, which won the South­ern Book Prize. Her novels have been translated into thirty-nine languages. She has also written books for young readers, including the award-winning Elsewhere. She lives in Los Angeles.


書名 / Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
作者 / 嘉布莉.麗文
簡介 / Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow:嘉布莉.麗文《明日,明日,又明日》【誰道明日何其多?從虛擬到現實的再出征】十二月隆冬,哈佛學生山姆在地鐵瞥見莎迪的身影並出聲
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781524712228
ISBN10 / 1524712221
EAN / 9781524712228
誠品26碼 / 2682178120001
頁數 / 416
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.6X2.6CM
級別 / N:無
