The Song of Achilles | 誠品線上


作者 瑪德琳.米勒
商品描述 The Song of Achilles:,長矛從我髮際掠過,近得如同愛人的氣息如果唯有死亡能讓愛情不滅,我願以鮮血交換永不分離!禁忌之愛撼動了史詩──英雄阿基里斯封印千年的生死祕


內容簡介 長矛從我髮際掠過,近得如同愛人的氣息如果唯有死亡能讓愛情不滅,我願以鮮血交換永不分離!禁忌之愛撼動了史詩──英雄阿基里斯封印千年的生死祕戀年度話題小說,讓J.K.羅琳不禁大讚 I LOVE it!十年心血,成就千年悲壯──再創全新史詩,特洛伊從未如此淒美初試啼聲即摘下英國柑橘文學獎,評審盛讚「連荷馬也會引以為傲!」《波西傑克森》雷克.萊爾頓、《房間》愛瑪.唐納修、《奇蹟之邦》安.派契特驚豔強推當真愛再也敵不過命定的神諭,勝利能否為你我唱出永恆的頌歌?帕特羅克洛斯,貴為王族之子。十歲時,因個性懦弱遭父王流放,淪為奴隸。在苦澀的國度普提亞,唯獨一名金髮男孩吸引他的目光。男孩的嘴宛如飽滿的弓,鼻子猶如高貴的箭──那是王子阿基里斯。被放逐的帕特備受嫌棄,唯獨阿基里斯對他流露憐惜。俊美而淘氣的阿基里斯,流著自海洋而生的半神之血,彷彿能聽見他內心的落寞。冰封的冬,新萌的春,兩人同食共寢、奔跑歌唱,胸膛躁動的渴切,終究讓他們捲入那道不該激盪的情感漩渦……特洛伊戰火一觸即發,阿基里斯違逆不祥預言而決意出戰。分離的愛與悲傷拉扯他的骨,吸吮他的血。「你絕不能去!」阿基里斯美麗的臉龐變得如鐵石一般──即使解脫即是死亡,絕不讓特洛伊讓你我分離!在這座凡人與神祉共存、人馬與妖精共譜的戰爭宇宙,壯烈的淒美震動了女神的淚,散亂的髮隨刀劍化成美麗的灰。死神的嫉妒玩弄了這場千古對決──當太陽神的微笑沒入那道矗立的城牆,特洛伊將以誰的姓名血洗命定的結局?本中文書介出自《阿基里斯之歌》馬可孛羅文化事業股份有限公司出版**OVER 1.5 MILLION COPIES SOLD****A 10th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL EDITION, FEATURING A NEW FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR**WINNER OF THE ORANGE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTIONTHE INTERNATIONAL SENSATIONA SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'Captivating' DONNA TARTT'I loved it' J K ROWLING'Ravishingly vivid' EMMA DONOGHUEGreece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the court of King Peleus and his perfect son Achilles. Despite their differences, Achilles befriends the shamed prince, and as they grow into young men skilled in the arts of war and medicine, their bond blossoms into something deeper - despite the displeasure of Achilles's mother Thetis, a cruel sea goddess. But when word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped, Achilles must go to war in distant Troy and fulfill his destiny. Torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus goes with him, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they hold dear.'A book I could not put down' ANN PATCHETT'An exciting, sexy, violent Superman version of The Iliad' GUARDIAN'Sexy, dangerous, mystical' BETTANY HUGHES"


作者介紹 Madeline MillerMadeline Miller is the author of The Song of Achilles, which won the Orange Prize for Fiction 2012, was shortlisted for the Stonewall Writer of the Year 2012, was an instant New York Times bestseller, and was translated into twenty-five languages. Madeline holds an MA in Classics from Brown University, and she taught Latin, Greek and Shakespeare to high school students for over a decade. She has also studied at the University of Chicago's Committee on Social Thought, and at Yale School of Drama, where she focused on the adaptation of classical texts to modern forms. Her essays have appeared in publications including the Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Lapham's Quarterly and She lives outside Philadelphia.


書名 / The Song of Achilles
作者 / 瑪德琳.米勒
簡介 / The Song of Achilles:,長矛從我髮際掠過,近得如同愛人的氣息如果唯有死亡能讓愛情不滅,我願以鮮血交換永不分離!禁忌之愛撼動了史詩──英雄阿基里斯封印千年的生死祕
ISBN13 / 9781526648174
ISBN10 / 1526648172
EAN / 9781526648174
誠品26碼 / 2682068822008
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X4.7CM
級別 / N:無
