濱海札記 | 誠品線上


作者 賴慶曉 (Anthony Lai)
出版社 聯合發行股份有限公司
商品描述 濱海札記:不敢把你美妙的歌聲比作夜鶯我的國度沒有夜只有門框和地窖尚未成熟的阿貝渦旋DarenotcompareyourbeautifulvoicetonightingaleThere’snonightinmyplaceOnlythedo


內容簡介 不敢把你美妙的歌聲比作夜鶯 我的國度沒有夜 只有門框 和 地窖尚未成熟的 阿貝渦旋 Dare not compare your beautiful voice to nightingale There’s no night in my place Only the doorframe, and what having yet to mature in the cellar, Abbe Vortex. 本書由三種元氣混血組成: 十四行詩源於義大利,有小詩小歌之意。初不限十四行後定型為十四行,傳入英國之後,結構改變,分為3 段四句加最後兩句。最後的兩句通常為反意或合饋。現代則較自由不為行數押韻所限。 俳句源於日本,在第一次戰後漸在歐美流行,古俳有字數季節限制,今俳我較重於意境,不足以成詩的短句。 散文那就是較細節的述陳,比較囉唆的感觸。 用中英對照,其實不盡然對照,用英文描繪的,譯中不盡其意,用中文為詩,英文也都幾難通釋,中英文,讀者惟自賞之。


作者介紹 賴慶曉 Anthony Lai賴慶曉 ANTHONY LAI (Tony) 字商隱 生於1953 喜好歌唱 寫作 從 Minnesota State University, Mankato 畢業 1984 年 研究所 — MBA Marketing 可惜,才疏學庸,只得在海濱有個駐居所 拾沙灘上遺留的螺蛤物語,渡此殘生


產品目錄 10 作者序│ preface 14 引言│ citation 大和 日本料理店 對話 Yamato Japanese Restaurant Dialogue 19 十四行詩│ Sonnet 20十四行詩 014 裸琴 Sonnet 014 Naked Cello 23 滿洲大人│ The Miraculous Mandarin 24滿州大人 008 夜鶯 Sonnet 008 Nightingale 28滿州大人 009 間奏 Sonnet 009 inter perform (Decoy Game) 32滿州大人 010 謝幕 Sonnet 010 Curtain Call 36滿州大人 011 燔祭與結纏 Sonnet 011 Sacrifice concrete and angled 40滿州大人 012 我的 創世紀 Sonnet 012 My genesis 45 俳句│ Haiku 46俳句 01-03 阿貝渦漩 Haiku 01-03 Abbe Vortex 49 散文│ Prose 50房東 ( 信仰與訊息) Landlord 57 十四行詩│ Sonnet 58十四行詩 007 房客 Sonnet 007 roomer 63 散文│ Prose 64給一個懷孕的女人 To a pregnant woman 69 十四行詩│ Sonnet 70 十四行詩 001 居所 Sonnet 001 Residence 75十四行詩│ Sonnet 76十四行詩 002 巫囚 Sonnet 002 Medea (I met a clone prisoned by a crone) 81 十四行詩│ Sonnet 82十四行詩 003-r1 螺蹤物語 Sonnet 003-r1 obscured love 87 十四行詩│ Sonnet 88十四行詩 004 現代生活 Sonnet 004 modern life 93 俳句│ Haiku Poetry 94俳句 01-03 雪 與 耶誕節 Haiku Poetry 01-03 Christmas and Snow 97十四行詩│ Sonnet 98十四行詩 005 曲線 sonnet 005 curve 101 十四行詩│ Sonnet 102十四行詩 006 我於是上了捷運 sonnet 006 thus I turn onto the sub 105 十四行詩│ Sonnet 106十四行詩 015 愛之夢 Sonnet 015 Liebesträume(1) 109 十四行詩│ Sonnet 110十四行詩 016 平行時空 Sonnet 016 parallel cube 115 詩│ Poetry 116詩 孕母 Poetry Matrix 121 俳句│ Haiku 122俳句 01-05 廊前燕 Haiku 01-05 swallow 127 散文│ Prose 128煮飯花 Mirabilis 133 雙十四行詩│ Twin Sonnet 134雙十四行詩 ( 我曾擁有的美麗相思樹) Twin Sonnet 1-0&1-1 my Acacia tree once before 139 十四行詩│ Sonnet 140十四行詩 1-2 子夜的玫瑰 Twin Sonnet 1-2-Rosey nocturne 145 十四行詩│ Sonnet 146春繪旁白 Narrator Spring anecdote 148 A1 春繪(A1-1) A1 Spring anecdote (A1-1) 150 A1 春繪(A1-2) A1 Spring anecdote(A1-1) 155 十四行詩│ Sonnet 156詩 b1 阿偉 幫媽媽買泡麵( 金銀島) Poetry b1 Awie's Treasure Land 162十四行詩 019 妹の姿( 給玥寧) sonnet 019 妹の姿( 給玥寧yah nining)my granddaughter 166十四行詩 020 醇釀( 給品澈) sonnet 020 melodious ferment for (Pen Che) my grandson 171 俳句│ Haiku 172俳句 01-05 喃喃自語 Haiku 01-05 whispers 176 感言 176 新詩的宇宙──思維的綠洲 180 附錄:注釋


書名 / 濱海札記
作者 / 賴慶曉 (Anthony Lai)
簡介 / 濱海札記:不敢把你美妙的歌聲比作夜鶯我的國度沒有夜只有門框和地窖尚未成熟的阿貝渦旋DarenotcompareyourbeautifulvoicetonightingaleThere’snonightinmyplaceOnlythedo
出版社 / 聯合發行股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789860762068
ISBN10 / 9860762066
EAN / 9789860762068
誠品26碼 / 2682084924007
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 21X14.8X1.6CM
級別 / N:無


自序 : 【作者序】真與美
安德烈‧ 紀德, 在其早期的著作《地糧》表達一種狀態「愈飲我愈感口渴。最後這渴念那樣強烈,我竟為欲望痛哭」。
詩是情感狀態的表徵,從內心燒,太久太熾,用手寫在AI 臉上就成詩。

Bartok 滿州大人,開始是用舞台劇形式的十四行詩作敘述性的變奏,加上了Pizza 店老板,無臉男角色,結合有趣唯美的虛,把荒謬的想像,用我敲擊的文字作速描,加了很多圖片,我認為,在看詩的時侯 不那麼冰冷,從而鏡射讀者內心的渴望,愛慾的冥想。




好啦! 奈黛奈藹,如今,拋開我這書。使你自己從我的書中解脫出來。離開我!回到你的〈地糧〉吧!


導讀 : 【引言】大和 日本料理店 對話
而我用文字,盡量寫在數位的AI 臉上,印刷、成冊、散發、出版。


內文 : 房東 (信仰與訊息)
( 齊克果(S?ren Kierkegaard) 直接地說,亞伯拉罕燔祭獨子乃一信仰,乃一荒謬。「每一個人都能容易了解它是荒謬」,齊克果說:「但因荒謬而信仰有誰能了解呢?」)
考慮很久,都不知如何下手寫的哲學思維……只能寫說──從齊克果,跳過黑格爾、佛洛依德、拉岡 (跳過夢及潛意識)直接來到,具現信仰的哲學家──斯拉沃熱‧ 齊澤克(斯洛維尼亞語:Slavoj Žižek)
他說:他一直很疑惑的一種人,是「企業家」,有很多企業家有錢後,卻投入更多心力到企業,每天競競業業,如神父 每天禱告,與信仰上帝無異,那他們信仰什麼?
Mattinata, 及荼花女歌劇中的brindisi(飲酒歌)。
耶芙娜·涅特列布科(9) 高歌。
聞,被理性謀殺的屍体血腥味「就是摩利亞山Pizza 出爐的香味」的女高音,如晶瑩剔透美鑽,如名琴樂器。

Years on, every Monday morning, piercing sound from vacuum machine, sucked all.
Leased lazy spirits from the moon light waved.
Moreover, erect penis bid farewell.
One day, finally God spoke, burnt offering, up to Moriah .
I met Abraham that day in the pizza house near the hilltop.
Doubt who we are? Landlord of ourselves ? Or roomer of whose God ? Or poor as we rent a room from somebody else. Asking promises ?
Daily paid, even to borrow the Acheron obol.
Mattinata(the morning song), as memorized her half-trans white dresses, between drunk and awake, the only faith I kept is believing someone within me.
Memorizing that period of time years ago, study for the re-entrance exam, my brother and I,most interested in discussing the book “Forf?rerens Dagbog ” by S?ren Kierkegaard.
Oh, not how to cheat girls, but faith, believe absurd for abandoning his marriage. The discussion mentioned “absurd beliefs” which the realization inverse quantum entanglement.
The only son of Abraham's burnt offering is a belief, and an absurdity. “Everyone can easily understand that it is absurd, but who can understand because of the absurdity and belief ? ” Soren spoke.
Decade 's life up and down, cannot understand the real meaning, until someone rents my penthouse.
Thinking over, the only way to express my thoughts is to jump through from S?ren, G. W. F. Hegel, Sigmund Freud , Jacques Marie Émile Lacan
to Slavoj Žižek(8) .
He illustrates that the most touching is “one kind of person he has always been puzzled by is many entrepreneurs who are rich, but they devote more energy to the enterprise, competing in the business every day, like a priest praying every day, which is no different from believing in God."
What do they believe in ?
When I believed in using Italian singing opera arias to record into my album, I realized the difficulty, absurd by others.
Go to the community college to look for it. There is a vocalist who has studied in Italy for seven years and teaches.
Looking at the course repertoire, there are two on my song list-The Mattinata and Brindisi.
She is a musical instrument.
Her voice is the sweetest, thick, clean high pitch. Such as crystal clear diamonds, such as famous piano instruments.
Every time it is like listening to the soprano Anna Yuliyevna Netrebko singing in a small indoor palace opera house in Italy.
Free, open, funny, and when I am in a bad mood, evening class makes me joyful.
She taught us to sing opera with our own voice, not to parrot.
Because she believes that such good music must be taught, and someone shall learn from it.
She is not afraid that students cannot even breathe in, exhale, or make a sound... She accepts everything.
Teaching 70 years old people to sing opera is manifestly absurd.
Use her life and enthusiasm to give because she loves everything that is in her belief.
Irrational and absurd manifestation spawned a different dimensional entanglement.
I finally know from them what “faith” is.
That is the mind path on the absurd or the absurd working on the rotten body of faith. No matter what, path is everything.
It is a Mount Moriah Pizza fragrance.


最佳賣點 : 本書由三種元氣混血組成:
