First Facts and Flaps: Amazing Animals | 誠品線上

First Facts and Flaps: Amazing Animals

作者 Lon Lee
商品描述 First Facts and Flaps: Amazing Animals:動物大驚奇厚紙板翻翻書超過30個翻頁你知道稱霸海陸空,體型第一大的動物是什麼嗎?是大藍鯨喔!這本令人驚奇的動物,告訴你各領


內容簡介 動物大驚奇 厚紙板翻翻書 超過30個翻頁你知道稱霸海陸空,體型第一大的動物是什麼嗎?是大藍鯨喔!這本令人驚奇的動物,告訴你各領域的世界冠軍,從最高的長頸鹿、最快的獵豹到最大的藍鯨…。另外也有動物趣味問答—鼠跳躍最厲害了,他一次可以跳過多少人呢? 誰唱歌的聲音可以大過飛機呢?長頸鹿的舌頭有多長?編輯群透過清楚明瞭的圖表,可愛逗趣的插畫,和超過30個翻頁,傳遞趣味知識,讓你認識不同的世界冠軍和動物秘辛。內文由倫敦自然科學博物館Barbara Taylor 專業審定。Amazing Animals is jam-packed with novelty and features the tallest, fastest and biggest animals on our planet, from the giraffe and cheetah to the colossal blue whale. Find out how giraffes sleep, how far a kangaroo can jump, how fast a cheetah can run and much, much more!Pairing bold, colourful scenes from illustrator Lon Lee with rhyming text and a page full of information, this is the perfect novelty book for children just starting to find out more about the world around them.With amazing, funny facts, bright infographics and a mixture of novelties that includes 30 flaps, Amazing Animals is accessible and visual, with all facts checked by Barbara Taylor, a former Science Editor at London's Natural History Museum.Discover more of the First Facts and Flaps series with Giant Dinosaurs."


書名 / First Facts and Flaps: Amazing Animals
作者 / Lon Lee
簡介 / First Facts and Flaps: Amazing Animals:動物大驚奇厚紙板翻翻書超過30個翻頁你知道稱霸海陸空,體型第一大的動物是什麼嗎?是大藍鯨喔!這本令人驚奇的動物,告訴你各領
ISBN13 / 9781509877034
ISBN10 / 1509877037
EAN / 9781509877034
誠品26碼 / 2681694500007
頁數 / 10
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.2X25.2X1.7CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
