Aspect的書 | 拾書所
第 1/3 頁 (共 59 筆商品)
$450 500

Aspect Beginner Game

Heather,Gunn 2_203c303139343 9781312290228 2023-09-23T15:18:43.803696
$9,828 10,920

Materials Aspect of Thermoelectricity

Uher, Ctirad (EDT) 2_203c608867399 9781498754903 2019-08-02T00:30:04
$875 1,750 50折
$1,327 1,397

Spring 2.5 Aspect Oriented Programming

Massimiliano Dessì 15_9781847194022 9781847194022 2020-05-18T16:57:50.558175

Field Administration: An Aspect of Decentralisation

Smith, Brian C. 1_F019886630 9781032578507 2023-09-19T03:47:53.801348

Multi-Aspect Learning: Methods and Applications

Nayak, Richi,Luong, Khanh 1_F019954166 9783031335594 2023-10-27T00:42:43.655593
$3,186 3,540

Transitivity and Aspect in Sahidic Coptic

Nina,Speransky 2_203c303395514 9783943955262 2023-09-23T15:49:54.094011
$4,396 4,627

Reliability Aspect of Cloud Computing Environment

Vikas Kumar, R. Vidhyalakshmi 15_9789811330223 9789811330223 2020-05-18T13:50:43.790267
$1,350 1,500

Learn to Use Chinese Aspect Particles

Jian Kang Loar 4_1002157662730399 9780815367321 2019-11-22T20:54:58.909203
$1,372 1,400

Mastering AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming in Java

Joseph D. Gradecki, Nicholas Lesiecki 15_9780471431046 9780471431046 2019-11-20T18:14:06.130121

The Syntax of Vietnamese Tense, Aspect, and Negation

Phan, Trang 1_F019769867 9781032482668 2023-10-27T06:08:47.526560
$9,180 10,200

The Syntax of Vietnamese Tense, Aspect, and Negation

Trang,Phan 2_203c307133171 9781032482668 2023-09-22T01:16:33.067154
$1,570 1,653

AOP in .NET: Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming (Paperback)

Matthew D. Groves 15_9781617291142 9781617291142 2020-05-18T17:07:06.748136
$1,244 1,382

Tense and Aspect of Obolo Grammar and Discourse

Uche Ekereawaji,Aaron 2_203c110272181 9781556710636 2023-09-22T09:54:54.830165
$4,950 5,500

The Compositional Nature of Tense, Mood and Aspect: Volume 167

Henk J,Verkuyl 2_203c110166132 9781108839280 2023-09-23T16:17:38.758185
$4,440 4,900

Compilation and Synthesis for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems: An Aspect-Oriented Approach

15_9781489988348 9781489988348 2019-11-20T15:29:14.585149
$565 628

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