Earthscan的書 | 拾書所
第 1/2 頁 (共 27 筆商品)
$26,712 29,680

Environmental Management

Earthscan (COR) 2_203c109644716 9781844079650 2019-08-01T23:07:39
$2,719 3,021

Climate Change and Desertification

Reed, Mark S. 2_203c110125489 9781849712712 2019-08-01T20:34:15
$8,064 8,960

The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis

Hamilton, Clive (EDT) 2_203c504716622 9781138821231 2019-08-01T18:26:46
$49,644 55,160

Sustainable Forests

Sayer, Jeffrey (EDT) 2_203c308730338 9781844078523 2019-08-01T14:23:34
$6,552 7,280

Arguments for Protected Areas

Stolton, Sue (EDT) 2_203c109472586 9781844078806 2019-08-01T17:11:43
$6,854 7,616

Forests for People

Larson, Anne M. (EDT) 2_203c109472590 9781844079179 2019-08-01T17:11:45
$2,013 2,237

Water Resource Management and Sustainable Development

Yu, Winston 2_203c401736315 9781849713665 2019-08-01T20:34:32
$3,122 3,469

Water Ethics

Groenfeldt, David 2_203c308198244 9780415626453 2019-08-01T14:28:35
$8,316 9,240

Water Ethics

Groenfeldt, David 2_203c308198243 9780415626446 2019-08-01T14:32:17
$7,812 8,680

Community Biodiversity Management

De Boef, Walter Simon (EDT) 2_203c308194488 9780415502191 2019-08-01T14:12:11
$5,037 5,597

Community Rights, Conservation and Contested Land

Nelson, Fred (EDT) 2_203c109514908 9781844079162 2019-08-01T17:12:36
$2,822 3,136

100% Renewable

Droege, Peter (EDT) 2_203c109432958 9781844077182 2019-08-02T03:03:28
$6,048 6,720

Corporate Environmental Management 1

Welford, Richard (EDT) 2_203c308730381 9781844079667 2019-08-01T23:07:45
$5,544 6,160

Building to Last

Hutchinson, Colin 2_203c308730384 9781844079704 2019-08-01T23:07:51
$7,308 8,120

Protected Areas and Ecotourism

Parra, Constanza 2_203c308194455 9780415501422 2019-08-01T20:09:47
$8,064 8,960

Land Degradation, Desertification and Climate Change

Reed, Mark S. 2_203c603597336 9781849712705 2019-08-01T20:34:37
$2,719 3,021

Ocean Zoning

Agardy, Tundi 2_203c507263586 9781138881235 2019-08-01T20:22:44

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