Lars Muller的書 | 拾書所
第 1/2 頁 (共 34 筆商品)

Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar 1919-1923

Muller, Lars 1_F015096944 9783037786239 2023-09-06T00:17:27.521998
$480 670

字體傳奇:影響世界的 Helvetica

拉斯.繆勒 (Lars Muller) 6_6338955 9789620433078 2020-05-03T00:38:12.521207
$1,764 1,960

Anton Kusters

Kusters, Anton (PHT) 2_203c809909461 9783037785744 2019-08-01T01:27:06
$788 875

Herbert Leupin

Richter, Bettina (EDT) 2_203c607661260 9783037785065 2019-08-01T00:19:49
$2,048 2,275

For Climate Sake! Who in Charge of the Future?

Schwarzenbach, Rene (EDT) 2_203c109751901 9783037782453 2019-08-01T14:06:48
$1,260 1,400

Steven Holl ?Color, Light, Time

Safont-tria, Jordi 2_2049750143238 9783037782521 2019-07-31T05:13:33
$2,268 2,520

Armin Linke

Linke, Armin (PHT) 2_203c809285948 9783037785751 2019-08-01T00:08:40
$1,103 1,225

Findings on Elasticity

Aardse, Hester (EDT)/ van Baalen, Astrid (EDT) 2_203c109409838 9783037781487 2019-08-02T09:49:08
$1,103 1,225


Kenya,Hara 2_203c091166453 9783037787328 2023-09-21T22:40:11.684106
$1,890 2,100

Desert of Pharan

Mater, Ahmed 2_203c160596170 9783037784853 2019-07-31T21:10:48
$2,048 2,275


Pol, Andri (PHT) 2_203c308777473 9783037782750 2019-07-31T23:04:18
$2,048 2,275

True Cities

Koolhaas, Charlie 2_203c109809000 9783037782613 2019-07-31T22:00:44
$788 875


Kurashima- Takahiro 2_2039750148845 9783037782774 2019-07-24T15:00:54
$1,955 2,475

Rene Hubert: The Man Who Dressed Filmstars and Airplanes

Andres Janser/ Ed. 4_1001157452682361640002 9783037787007 2023-10-20T18:59:10.194890
$969 1,140

In Search of African American Space: Redressing Racism

Jeffrey Hogrefe 4_1001294884240829 9783037786338 2023-10-21T09:00:25.846111

Frida Escobedo: Metamorphosis of Matter

Escobedo, Frida 1_F019915094 9783037787373 2023-12-13T19:26:02.438950

Helmut Schmid: Typography

Muroga, Kiyonori 1_F019915098 9783037787397 2023-12-13T19:27:49.442259
$1,615 1,900

Wassily Kandinsky: Point and Line to Plane: Bauhausbücher 9

4_1001294884238212 9783037786628 2023-10-21T08:53:39.428485
$1,434 1,815

The Walls of Suzhou Gardens: A Photographic Journey

Hélène Binet/ Juhani Pallasmaa 4_1001157452682033540005 9783037786604 2023-10-20T23:36:00.919653
$1,733 1,925

True Print: Dafi Kuhne

Dafi Kuhne 4_1002157452575545 9783037785096 2019-09-06T15:14:36.935271

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