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$646 760

Once Upon a Time Not So Long Ago

Jennifer Grant 4_1001294884343814 9781640654037 2023-10-20T21:42:19.476089
$612 720

Hearts Ablaze: Parables for the Queer Soul

Rolf, Jr. Nolasco 4_1001294886026142 9781640653658 2023-10-21T09:41:53.018936
$548 645

Celtic Ways to Pray: Finding God in the Natural Elements

Ruth Lindberg Pattison 4_1001294885984940 9781640654303 2023-10-21T12:03:11.826597
$646 760

Contemplative Gardening

Pamela Dolan 4_1001294886032146 9781640655409 2023-10-21T11:42:28.185201

Radical Welcome: Embracing God, the Other, and the Spirit of Transformation

Stephanie Spellers 4_1001294884496052 9781640654686 2023-10-21T12:26:25.936076
$646 760

Sir Drake the Brave

Joy Jordan-Lake 4_1001294884300242 9781640654532 2023-10-20T19:34:10.625325
$612 720

Recovering Benedict: Twelve-Step Living and the Rule of Benedict

John Edward, Jr. Crean 4_1001294885775645 9781640653269 2023-10-21T23:28:11.689348

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