第 1/1 頁 (共 20 筆商品)

Slapping Leather: Queer Cowfolx at the Gay Rodeo

Ford, Elyssa,Scofield, Rebecca 1_F019874123 9780295752129 2024-01-11T06:05:53.674344

Queer Data Studies

Keilty, Patrick 1_F019903611 9780295751962 2024-01-12T12:23:38.485885
$1,080 1,200

The Way of the Barbarians: Redrawing Ethnic Boundaries in Tang and Song China

Shao-Yun Yang 4_1002150062820096 9780295746036 2020-05-16T18:35:47.562831
$792 1,200 66折

Tasting Paradise on Earth: Jiangnan Foodways

Jin Feng 4_1002150062820115 9780295745992 2023-10-20T11:39:40.564928

Capturing Glaciers: A History of Repeat Photography and Global Warming

Inkpen, Dani 1_F019903616 9780295752013 2024-01-12T12:43:48.306542

Heartbreak City: Seattle Sports and the Unmet Promise of Urban Progress

Scott, Shaun 1_F019903614 9780295751993 2023-12-13T13:40:41.087260
$628 698

Fear No Man

Mike,Gastineau 2_203c210482054 9780295751214 2023-09-22T23:14:24.104086
$1,440 1,600

Great Qing: Painting in China, 1644-1911

Claudia Brown 4_1002150062820134 9780295747231 2020-05-16T17:56:39.379346
$1,080 1,200
$900 1,000

Reporting for China: How Chinese Correspondents Work with the World

Pál Nyíri 4_1002150062821586 9780295741314 2020-05-16T19:12:26.804746

Queer Data Studies

Keilty, Patrick 1_F019903613 9780295751979 2024-01-11T06:02:23.471054
$1,080 1,200

Footbinding as Fashion: Ethnicity, Labor, and Status in Traditional China

John Robert Shepherd 4_1002150062820098 9780295744407 2020-05-16T11:49:51.793628
$1,080 1,200
$1,080 1,200

Xinjiang and the Modern Chinese State

Justin M. Jacobs 4_1002150062820125 9780295742649 2020-05-16T20:50:39.664910
$1,080 1,200

The Han: China's Diverse Majority

Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi 4_1002150062820132 9780295741789 2020-05-16T20:51:32.124902
$1,080 1,200

The Web of Buddhist Wisdom: An Introduction to the Psychology of the Abhidhamma

Frits Koster 4_1002150062820133 9786162151095 2020-05-16T18:40:15.670516
$360 400

The Richest Man in Babylon

George S. Clason 4_1002150061308677 9780451205360 2019-11-22T17:38:40.905976
$969 1,140

Cedar: Tree of Life to the Northwest Coast Indians

Hilary Stewart 4_1001294884017343 9780295974484 2023-10-20T00:06:33.460646

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