Brepols Publishers的書 | 拾書所
第 1/2 頁 (共 24 筆商品)

Sacred Images and Normativity: Contested Forms in Early Modern Art

Brepols Publishers 1_F016503341 9782503584669 2023-09-06T05:12:51.513287

Yearbook of Langland Studies 36 (2022)

Brepols Publishers 1_F019791366 9782503598581 2023-09-07T12:56:24.136959

European Medieval Drama 25 (2021)

Brepols Publishers 1_F018479343 9782503592091 2023-09-07T13:46:40.084062

Convivium 5.1 (2018): The Italian South: Transcultural Perspectives

Brepols Publishers 1_F019142202 9782503578347 2023-09-07T19:47:13.782036

European Medieval Drama 18 (2014)

Brepols Publishers (COR) 1_F013925633 9782503550558 2023-09-07T14:15:20.340566

De Proprietatibus Rerum: V.iii Liber VI, VII Et IX

Brepols Publishers (COR) 1_F013086589 9782503544960 2023-09-06T21:13:01.144672

Ambigua to John: Volume I: Translation

Lollar, Joshua 1_F01a219712 9782503579467 2024-01-11T07:50:45.640927

Scotland’s Royal Women and European Literacy Culture, 1424-1587

Wingfield, Emily 1_F01a371392 9782503600307 2024-01-10T05:59:46.936605

Local Coinages in a Roman World, Second Century Bc-First Century Ad

Carbone, Lucia F. 1_F01a138584 9780897224017 2023-12-13T16:34:44.314059

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