Donat, Wolfram的書 | 拾書所
第 1/1 頁 (共 17 筆商品)
$762 1,270 60折

Learn Raspberry Pi Programming with Python (Paperback)

Wolfram Donat 15_9781430264248 9781430264248 2023-10-23T18:41:29.865258
$454 534

Python 樹莓派編程(原書第2版)

Wolfram Donat 15_9787111695967 9787111695967 2023-09-29T01:42:28.233426
$825 868
$768 808

Getting Started with the micro:bit

Wolfram Donat 15_9781680453027 9781680453027 2020-05-18T18:53:40.267020
$360 414
$327 414

愛上 micro:bit 零基礎玩轉 BBC micro:bit

[美]Wolfram Donat 15_9787115490780 9787115490780 2023-09-29T01:40:35.933266

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