Geoff Watts的書 | 拾書所
第 1/1 頁 (共 8 筆商品)

Scrum Mastery中文版:從優秀到卓越的僕人式領導力

Geoff Watts 8_9084491 9786263335219 2023-10-03T11:50:42.104234
$474 600

Scrum Mastery中文版:從優秀到卓越的僕人式領導力

Geoff Watts 1_0010963845 9786263335219 2023-10-29T23:19:09.036265
$520 540

Scrum Mastery中文版:從優秀到卓越的僕人式領導力

Geoff Watts 10_p0082263546579 9786263335219 2023-11-07T11:01:22.921886
$474 600

Scrum Mastery中文版:從優秀到卓越的僕人式領導力

Geoff Watts 3_012064053 9786263335219 2023-10-11T19:00:10.201675

Team Mastery: From Good to Great Agile Teamwork

Geoff Watts 4_1001294883859574 9798595881678 2023-10-20T11:39:11.466084

Product Mastery: From Good To Great Product Ownership

Geoff Watts 4_1001294884178389 9781540562548 2023-10-20T13:28:03.642246
$540 600

Scrum Mastery中文版: 從優秀到卓越的僕人式領導力

Geoff Watts 4_10012011762682419732000 9786263335219 2023-10-20T04:03:52.962695
$474 600

Scrum Mastery中文版:從優秀到卓越的僕人式領導力

Geoff Watts 13_11101015434 9786263335219 2023-10-15T09:03:38.417070

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