de Gruyter的書 | 拾書所
第 1/13 頁 (共 252 筆商品)

de Gruyter Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance

Lingelbach, David 1_F01a360979 9783111356716 2023-10-26T18:05:45.615644
$5,615 6,239

Corrosion Prevention Nanoscience

de Gruyter 2_203c307151775 9783111070094 2023-09-22T07:13:16.533195
$6,857 7,619

The Poems of Ossian

de Gruyter 2_203c302182987 9783112688250 2023-09-23T09:20:48.318604
$6,209 6,899

Lexicography of Coronavirus-related Neologisms

de Gruyter 2_203c301236247 9783110795561 2023-09-23T16:15:49.185698
$851 946

Postcolonial Language Varieties in the Americas

de Gruyter 2_203c301182833 9783111120768 2023-09-23T17:56:41.757480
$12,797 14,219

Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance

de Gruyter 2_203c212224747 9783110665291 2023-09-23T16:05:35.229238
$6,209 6,899

Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax

de Gruyter 2_203c102183408 9783110718805 2023-09-23T03:14:20.416139
$6,425 7,139

Hidden Multilingualism in 19th-Century European Literature

de Gruyter 2_203c307157922 9783110778632 2023-09-23T15:47:21.889434
$6,209 6,899

Language, Migration and Multilingualism in the Age of Digital Humanities

de Gruyter 2_203c072107685 9783110745962 2023-09-22T11:36:35.676314
$5,129 5,699

Sustainable Process Integration and Intensification

de Gruyter 2_203c230103395 9783110782837 2023-09-22T08:14:53.802956
$1,511 1,679

Eugenio Coseriu

de Gruyter 2_203c305248069 9783111263410 2023-09-23T15:11:53.918295
$1,187 1,319

The Syntax of Argument Structure

de Gruyter 2_203c305215904 9783111278483 2023-09-23T15:53:36.347512
$1,187 1,319

Convergence and divergence in Ibero-Romance across contact situations and beyond

de Gruyter 2_203c305261631 9783111273730 2023-09-23T05:33:47.977131
$8,423 9,359

Linguistic Models The Structure of Phonological Representations

de Gruyter 2_203c210607144 9783112423318 2023-09-23T17:04:01.882685
$6,209 6,899

Deutsch in Europa

de Gruyter 2_203c103761256 9783110735192 2023-09-23T03:03:37.951904
$6,209 6,899


de Gruyter 2_203c200322801 9783110689259 2023-09-23T02:21:15.307993
$8,693 9,659

Data-Centric Structural Health Monitoring

de Gruyter 2_203c081164706 9783110791273 2023-09-22T07:30:46.783697
$8,099 8,999

Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence

de Gruyter 2_203c307157930 9783110791259 2023-09-22T18:59:50.832216
$8,963 9,959

Computer Intelligence Against Pandemics

de Gruyter 2_203c307191865 9783110767667 2023-09-22T18:54:47.517418

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