Donald Norris的書 | 拾書所
第 1/1 頁 (共 20 筆商品)
$700 875

Raspberry Pi Electronics Projects for the Evil Genius (Tab)

Donald Norris 15_9781259640582 9781259640582 2023-09-29T00:52:01.731007
$525 875 60折

Raspberry Pi Projects for the Evil Genius (Paperback)

Donald Norris 15_9780071821582 9780071821582 2023-09-29T05:07:38.432813
$760 800

Python for Microcontrollers: Getting Started with MicroPython

Donald Norris 15_9781259644535 9781259644535 2023-10-23T21:38:09.874965
$665 700
$522 580
$458 580
$1,035 1,150

Beginning Artificial Intelligence with the Raspberry Pi

Donald J. Norris 15_9781484227428 9781484227428 2023-09-30T09:03:42.774379
$435 580
$493 580
$539 580
$1,150 1,210


Norris, Frank/ Pizer, Donald (EDT)/ Pizer, Donald 7_gds20131112035638zc5 9780393970135 2019-11-26T10:08:12.918159

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